SharePoint Absence Request and Vacation Schedule Management Template

Description of Template
The Absence Request and Vacation Schedule Management template for SharePoint helps employees manage requests for out of office days. Team members post days they will be unavailable and can use the template to assign their responsibilities to others during those days. The application template helps team leaders manage requests for vacation and provides dashboards showing which users are signed up for the absent team member’s responsibilities during an absence.

Activities Performed in this Template

  • A centralized calendar to show approved absence requests for all team members.
  • Vacation Policy management tools to require approval for determined types of absences. By default, Vacation, Personal Time and Miscellaneous absence request types require approval while Sick Days, Business Outings, Jury Duty and Floating Holiday requests do not.
  • Create a notification of who is responsible for a team member’s tasks while they are out of the office.
  • A document library to hold vacation and absence policies.
  • Approval tools to allow a team user with Manage Lists permissions to approve or reject an individual’s absence request. Only approved absences will become visible to all users.
  • Ability to automatically create a Meeting Workspace to organize attendees, agendas, documents, minutes and other details for an event.
  • Submission and approval of absense request including dates, type of absence, recurrence and desire to automatically create a linked meeting workspace.

Site Lists and Libraries
Vacation Policies: A document library to hold policy documents on absences and vacations.
Absence Type: List of the type of absence being requested and whether approval is required.
Absences: A list of the absences requested including dates and approval status.
Announcements: A general list to post messages on the home page of the site.
Responsibility Adoption: A list used to track responsible parties during an absence.

Customized Forms and Workflows:
Absence Approval: The workflow approves or rejects absence requests. On the team calendar, rejected and pending absence requests are visible only to the user requesting the absence and those with the Manage Lists permissions. Approved absence requests are visible to all site users.
Submit a New Absence: Use this form to submit a new absence request. Workflow includes eliminating start/end times for all day events, opening of recurrence information, creation of a linked meeting workspace, and disabling email notification at a user’s request.
Specify Responsibility Adoption: This form allows users to specify who will be adopting responsibility for tasks during an absence, including display comments and email address of the responsible user.

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