SharePoint Disputed Invoice Management Template

Description of Template
The Disputed Invoice Management SharePoint template helps accounts payable departments track the status of invoices where payment is being withheld. Through the use of a Microsoft Office InfoPath® entry form, accounts payable personnel enter information regarding the disputed invoice, including reasons for the dispute and action items taken. The site tracks this information and also informs visitors to the site of the discounts at risk for missing early payment dates.
The site also includes more detailed metrics such as Accounts Payable Age Analysis, summarized reasons for invoice disputes and a listing of invoice information for invoices received from ‘key’ vendors. The site also includes useful Accounts Payable analysis techniques through a Microsoft Office Excel® spreadsheet which can be completed by a member of the accounting team.

Activities Performed in this Application Template

  • Data Entry: The Disputed Invoice Management application template site utilized Office InfoPath to collect necessary information about the disputed invoice. The form includes required information such as Vendor Number, Invoice number and amount, invoice received date, and a summary of the action items required to clear the dispute. Optional information may also be entered, including invoice total and early payment terms such as 2% discount if paid within 10 days. (2 Ten, Net 30). The information stored in the Office InfoPath document is used to perform calculations for metrics on the site when the document is saved. As with most Office InfoPath documents, the Disputed Invoice Management application template document can be created offline and saved to the site when a user returns to the office.
  • Metrics and Analysis of Disputed Invoices: The site includes several techniques to analyze the status of disputed invoices. The following methods are used within the Disputed Invoice Management site:
  • Invoice Reconciliation Summary: The invoice summary lists the status of all disputed invoices on the site. Users can add invoices by completing a new Disputed Invoice Form, and can sort each of the columns by clicking on the column headers.
  • Disputed Invoice Metrics: The Disputed Invoice Metrics page groups invoices by their ‘age’ in the system, listing the number and total dollar amount for each age group. The site also provides a listing of the invoices from key vendors that are currently being disputed. An accounts payable department might use this list to help prioritize their attention to keep key vendors satisfied. Also listed is a summary of discounts that will be lost in the upcoming days as well as a overview of the number of invoices being disputed for the three key reasons available in the Office InfoPath document.
  • Invoice Tracking Workbook Template: For those teams who wish to perform a more detailed analysis of the company’s disputed invoices, the site provides an Office Excel workbook template with useful techniques. Accounting managers can enter in information about the disputed invoices and use common Office Excel functionality to organize, analyze and graph information on dispute reasons and resolution.

Site Lists and Libraries
Common Accounts Payable Documents: Use this library to host documents and files used to analyze the Account Payable disputes, including the provide Office Excel workbook.
Invoice Reconciliation Forms: Track the status of disputed invoices on this page.
Accounts Payable Team Contacts: Track team contact information on this site list.

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