SharePoint Integrated Marketing Campaign Tracking Template

Description of Template
The Integrated Marketing Campaign Tracking SharePoint template helps marketing teams track the effectiveness of multiple marketing campaigns and activities. The main dashboard lists complete, upcoming and in market campaigns, including start / end dates and budget analysis. The template provides libraries to share integrated marketing plans, team resources marketing team contacts and tasks that need to be completed. It also contains an integrated marketing campaign data analysis template, built in Microsoft Office Excel®. This template is designed to help marketers analyze the effectiveness of marketing campaigns for a single product. Using the Office Excel template as a starting point, users can customize it to suit the data and expectations of the expected output of the campaign activities.
This application template also uses a Microsoft Office InfoPath® document as its main input method, helping campaign managers list the campaign activities and track the performance of the campaigns they own. Information from this Office InfoPath document is used to drive information on the main page of the application template and within the Office Excel analysis templates.

Activities Performed in this Application Template
Campaign managers use the Integrated Marketing Campaign Tracking site to complete:

  • Campaign Name and Owner Information
  • Marketing vehicle used
  • Expected & actual start/end dates
  • Budget allocated and spent
  • Activity info including exposures obtained
  • Total Sales, Responses and Actions taken by prospective campaign customers

Integration with Office InfoPath
The Office InfoPath document helps calculate campaign metrics including:

  • Response / Action Rate: Calculated as the percent of exposures that result in a response / action.
  • Cost per Response / Action: The average cost of each response / action based on budget spent.
  • Total response / action rate: The percent of all exposures that resulted in a response / action.
  • Total cost per response / action: calculated as the number of responses / actions divided by the total budget spent.
  • Average Action Value: Revenue received for each action reported.
  • Conversion Rate: Percentage of responses that resulted in an action.

Integration with Office Excel
Campaign Analysis: The application template includes a campaign analysis workbook built in Office Excel which can be used to help analyze the success of marketing campaigns.

Site Lists and Libraries
Assistance: Learn about the tasks you can accomplish with the Integrated Marketing Campaign Tracking template, including a getting started guide, how to create a new campaign, updating an existing campaign tracking form, using the Integrated Marketing Campaign Data Analysis spreadsheet and other functions of the application template.
Campaign Analyses: Analyze the progress of your marketing campaigns with the Campaign Analysis template, and then add your completed analyses to this document library.
Campaign Status Forms: Track all integrated marketing campaign on this page. Add a new campaign by completing a new Campaign Status Form. Sort by columns to change your view or select a new view in the view list.
Integrated Marketing Plan: Store all documents related to your integrated marketing communications plan in this document library.
Team Resources: Keep all of your important team documents in one place by using this document library.
Marketing Team Contacts: List the contact information for each member of the marketing team.
Tasks: Keep track of team tasks in this list.

Click to view what your options are to implement the application in Sharepoint.