SharePoint Manufacturing Process Management Template

Description of Template
The Manufacturing Process Management SharePoint template helps teams document and track the steps involved in a linear manufacturing process. The site includes the ability to identify unique manufacturing steps. Users can then enter the step’s predecessor and any dependent steps to build a manufacturing timeline in a Gantt Chart format. Materials required and descriptions of the detailed tasks required can also be added to each step. The site also allows team users to identify issues that arise, assigning them to a step in the manufacturing process. Manufacturing processes with issues are shown on the main page as red, enabling team members to see at a glace which processes are at risk of being delayed.
Once an issue is identified, team members can assign task owners to resolve the issue or use the engineering contacts list to determine which team member is best suited to resolve the issue. The Manufacturing Process Management site also includes an announcements location as well as the capability to upload supporting business information and product specification to the site.

Activities Performed in this Application Template

  • Document a Manufacturing Process: Site users begin by entering in the details of a linear manufacturing process. Each step in the process is assigned a duration and a predecessor, if appropriate. Slack time is entered to help build the Gantt Chart showing the flow of the manufacturing process. The site also enables users to enter a description of the manufacturing step as well as the materials that are required, helping other team members understand what needs to be completed in order to manufacture the component.
  • Track and Assign Issues: As the manufacturing process commences, site users have the capability to track the status of issues that may affect a manufacturing step. The issue can be assigned an owner, given a description and tagged with the appropriate priority and status. Users can also identify any related issues, which may help team members better resolve the issue at hand. The site also keeps track of all changes to a particular issue, showing the changes made, date and who made the changes. This functionality helps simplify the process of tracking changes to an issue as well as roll back any incorrect changes made.
  • Track Tasks: The site also enables team members to track and assign responsibility for completing tasks. Owners of tasks can use the site to keep team members in the loop on their progress by updating the status, description and percent complete indicator for the tasks they are working on.
  • Listing of Related Information: Team members can use the sites document libraries and lists to upload business information and product specifications as well as detailed information on engineering contacts. For users of Microsoft Office Outlook®, contacts can be synchronized so they are available offline and always kept up to date with changes made by other users to the site.

Site Lists and Libraries
Business Information: Teams use this document library to upload and store information about the business
Product Specifications: Team use this document library to upload and store specifications on the product being manufacturing using the Manufacturing Process Management site.
General Tasks: Use the Tasks list to track what work you or your team needs to complete.
Engineering Contacts: Use the engineering contacts list to track contact information of extended engineering team members, enabling users of Office Outlook to synchronize for up to date offline access.
Issues: Team members can enter issues related to the manufacturing process and identify which step in the manufacturing process the issue is affecting.
Manufacturing Tasks: Team members document the manufacturing process that is being listed by the site
Announcements: Use the announcements board to post messages on the home page of the site.

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